Review: Stuck - Bug Trap by Seductive Studios

It occurs to me that I've mostly been reviewing clips that I really enjoy. The reason for that is simple - they're more fun to watch, so they stick in my head, which makes them easier to write about. But one of my primary goals for this site is to be a resource for other sticky enthusiasts to decide where to spend their hard-earned money, which means I can't just review the ones I like. With that in mind, here's a review of "Stuck - Bug Trap" by Seductive Studios.

Seductive Studios is a general fetish shop that has been in the game for a while. Over the years, they've produced a number of stuck and stuck-adjacent scenes, usually with minimal or imaginary glue (with some exceptions). I REALLY wanted to like "Bug Trap", because the setup was great: Laney, a petite brunette wearing a black sweatshirt and sweatpants tucked into thick orange socks, walks into her (messy yet sparse) apartment and finds an inflatable kiddie pool in her dining room accompanied by a note from her landlord saying that they left a bug trap out, and to be careful because it's "strong enough to hold a human". Laney scoffs and tosses the note away, but then she notices a spider on the ceiling. Rather than simply letting the trap do its work, she grabs a broom and starts swinging, but loses her balance and stumbles into the trap. She struggles unsuccessfully to free her feet for several minutes before falling onto her hands and knees. She eventually gets her hands out of the glue, but then gets them stuck to her leg. Eventually she gets them free again, but ends up on her butt and eventually on her back, where she remains until the scene ends.

If that description sounded good to you, be warned - this video is pure squandered potential. An attractive (IMO) and talented actress and a decent plot aren't enough to salvage it. What really kills this one, in my opinion, is the "glue" that they used. I'm not sure what it is, but it looks like it might actually be wood glue, which might help explain Laney's strange outfit. While there are brief moments where it appears to have some adhesion, for the most part it drips off of her hands and clothes like off-white paint and looks more slippery than sticky. Laney does her best with what she's given, struggling valiantly and getting herself into a variety of fun sticky positions, but the glue is just too pathetic to suspend belief. 

This video would have been an easy A from me if they had used marshmallow and/or gummies instead of...whatever that was. Seductive Studios has some decent production chops and has gotten really close to creating something good on several occasions, but they just keep missing the mark by a little bit, usually because they cut corners on the sticky stuff. I wouldn't count them out entirely -- maybe, just maybe, they could make something great if they were given the right guidance from a patron.

If you insist on ignoring my recommendation and seeing it for yourself, "Stuck - Bug Trap" can be yours for $11.99 from the Seductive Studios clip store.

Grade: C-


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